Using the Weston Library

Two large desks with readers either side on a purple carpet

Reader admission

  • University and Bodleian Reader card holders may use Weston Library reading rooms and order material to the library.  
  • Access to special collections material is not automatically available to all readers. Find out more about how to access special collections material.
  • If you are not a member of the University, learn more about how to apply for a Bodleian Reader card.

General information

  • View a map of this library (PDF).
  • The Admissions Office is located on Level G (ground floor).
  • Our security team carry out entry and exit searches on all items brought through the security barriers at the Parks Road entrance to the Weston Library. Please make this possible by opening your clear bag for our security team. Bags, laptop cases and other prohibited items should be left in the lockers.
  • The main set of lockers is on Level G. Lockers require a £1 coin to operate, which will be returned to you when you open the locker. There is a change machine in the locker room.
  • Male toilets are on Level G and Level 5. Female toilets are on Level 1 and Level 5. Unisex accessible toilets are on Level G, Level 1, and Level 5.
  • Power sockets are provided at all reader seats and study carrels.  
  • Only modern printed books can be taken to study carrels. Please ask library staff if you have questions on the use of carrels.

Reading rooms


Reading rooms will close 10 minutes before the library’s closure time. Please ensure that you take all your belongings with you when you leave the library. Please note that photocopiers are turned off and that mediated photocopy orders are not accepted from 30 minutes before closing.


Enquiries about lost property can be made at any of the Security/Reader Enquiries desks, to a member of staff within a Reading Room or to the Facilities Office (call 01865 277100 or email

Rules and regulations

The Bodleian Libraries Regulations and Rules of Conduct apply in this library. 

Readers must also observe local rules for using the Weston Library reading rooms and for using special collections material.

All material in the Weston Library is for reference use only. Under no circumstances may you take collection material out of the building.