Bodleian Libraries : All Pages
- Services
- Collections and resources
- Find a library
- Radcliffe Science Library
- English Faculty Library
- Radcliffe Camera
- KB Chen China Centre Library
- Vere Harmsworth Library
- Philosophy and Theology Faculties Library
- Law Library
- Japanese Library
- Social Science Library
- Education Library
- Sainsbury Library
- Latin American Centre Library
- Music Faculty Library
- Leopold Muller Memorial Library
- Taylor Institution Library
- History of Medicine Library
- Rewley House Continuing Education Library
- Bodleian Old Library
- Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library
- Nizami Ganjavi Library
- Weston Library
- Home
- Using the Sainsbury Library
- The Sainsbury Library for disabled readers
- Borrowing at the Sainsbury Library
- Services and facilities at the Sainsbury Library
- Contact and support at the Sainsbury Library
- Collections and resources at the Sainsbury Library
- Executive Education programmes at the Sainsbury Library
- Using the History of Medicine Library
- History of Medicine Library for disabled readers
- Services and facilities at the History of Medicine Library
- Collections and resources at the History of Medicine Library
- Contact and support at the History of Medicine Library
- Using the Nizami Ganjavi Library
- Nizami Ganjavi Library for disabled readers
- Borrowing at the Nizami Ganjavi Library
- Services and facilities at the Nizami Ganjavi Library
- Collections and resources at the Nizami Ganjavi Library
- Contact and support at the Nizami Ganjavi Library
- Using the Latin American Centre Library
- Latin American Centre Library for disabled readers
- Borrowing at the Latin American Centre Library
- Services and facilities at the Latin American Centre Library
- Collections and resources at the Latin American Centre Library
- Latin American Centre Library contacts and support
- Using the Japanese Library
- Japanese Library for disabled readers
- Borrowing at the Japanese Library
- Services and facilities at the Japanese Library
- Collections and resources at the Japanese Library
- Japanese Library contacts and support
- Using the Continuing Education Library
- Borrowing at the Continuing Education Library
- Continuing Education Library for disabled readers
- Services and facilities at the Continuing Education Library
- Collections and resources at the Continuing Education Library
- Contact and support at the Continuing Education Library
- Continuing Education Library guidance
- Apply for a library card at the Continuing Education Library
- Using the English Faculty Library
- Borrowing at the English Faculty Library
- English Faculty Library for disabled readers
- Services and facilities at the English Faculty Library
- Collections and resources at the English Faculty Library
- Contacts and support at the English Faculty Library
- Apply for a Bodleian Reader card
- About
- Outreach at the English Faculty Library
- Using the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library
- Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library for disabled readers
- Borrowing at the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library
- Services and facilities at the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library
- Collections and resources at the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library
- Contact and support at the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library
- Using the Education Library
- Education Library for disabled readers
- Education Library collections and resources
- Services and facilities at the Education Library
- Contact the Education Library
- Students at other universities applying for a Bodleian Reader card
- Academics at other universities applying for a Bodleian Reader card
- Independent researchers applying for a Bodleian Reader card
- Oxford University Press staff applying for a Bodleian Reader card
- University of Oxford degree holders applying for a Bodleian Reader card
- Getting started: How to use my Bodleian Reader card
- Bodleian Reader card charges
- Find the Admissions Office
- Using the Bodleian Old Library
- Bodleian Old Library for disabled readers
- Services and facilities at the Bodleian Old Library
- Collections and resources at the Bodleian Old Library
- Contact and support at the Bodleian Old Library
- Using the Social Science Library
- Social Science Library for disabled readers
- Borrowing at the Social Science Library
- Services and facilities at the Social Science Library
- Collections and resources at the SSL
- Contact and support at the Social Science Library
- Spaces at the Social Science Library
- Special collections
- Borrow and reserve items
- Using the K B Chen China Centre Library
- K B Chen China Centre Library for disabled readers
- Borrowing at the K B Chen China Centre Library
- Services and facilities at the K B Chen China Centre Library
- Collections and resources at the K B Chen China Centre Library
- K B Chen China Centre Library contact and support
- Social Science Library for course convenors
- Special collections finding aids and catalogues
- Using the Radcliffe Camera
- Radcliffe Camera for disabled readers
- Borrowing from the History Faculty Library
- Services and facilities at the Radcliffe Camera
- Collections and resources at the Radcliffe Camera
- Contacts and support at the Radcliffe Camera
- Spaces at the Radcliffe Camera
- Using the PTFL
- PTFL for disabled readers
- Borrowing at PTFL
- Services and facilities at PTFL
- Collections and resources at PTFL
- Contact and support at PTFL
- Using the VHL
- VHL for disabled readers
- Borrowing at the VHL
- Services and facilities at the VHL
- Collections and resources at the VHL
- Contact and support at the VHL
- Spaces at the VHL
- Using the Taylor Institution Library
- Taylor Institution Library for disabled readers
- Borrowing at the Taylor Institution Library
- Services and facilities at the Taylor Institution Library
- Collections and resources at the Taylor Institution Library
- Contacts and support at the Taylor Institution Library
- Join the Bodleian Libraries
- Using the Weston Library
- Weston Library for disabled readers
- Services and facilities at the Weston Library
- Reading rooms at the Weston Library
- Contact and support at the Weston Library
- Using special collections
- Order special collections
- Copying, scanning and photography
- Weston Library reading room rules
- Using the Law Library
- Law Library for disabled readers
- Spaces at the Law Library
- Legal databases
- Collections and resources at the Law Library
- Services and facilities at the Law Library
- Document supply from the Law Library
- Research services at the Law Library
- Special collections at the Weston Library
- Request items to a library
- Contact and support at the Law Library
- Faculty services at the Law Library
- Inter-library requests
- Loaning items to other libraries
- Self Collect
- Print, copy and scan
- Using library printers
- Using library scanners
- Using library copiers
- What can I photocopy or scan?
- Personal digital cameras and scanners
- Library Wi-Fi and computers
- Online and remote access
- Scan and Deliver
- Print & Deliver
- Library account and password
- Services for disabled readers
- Accessibility at the Bodleian Libraries
- Support for disabled readers
- Accessible Resources Unit (ARACU)
- Braille format conversions by ARACU
- Information for tutors
- Special collections mediated copying
- Window on Korea at the Nizami Ganjavi Library
- Using the Music Faculty Library
- Using the Leopold Muller Library
- Leopold Muller Library for disabled readers
- Services and facilities at the Leopold Muller Library
- Collections and resources at the Leopold Muller Library
- Contact and support at the Leopold Muller Library
- Special collections at the Leopold Muller Library
- Music Faculty Library for disabled readers
- Borrowing at the Music Faculty Library
- Services and facilities at the Music Faculty Library
- Collections and resources at the Music Faculty Library
- Contacts and support at the Music Faculty Library
- Services for academic staff at the Music Faculty Library
- Ask and support
- iSkills workshops
- Subject librarians
- Getting started: Undergraduates and taught postgraduates
- Getting started: Research postgraduates
- Find theses and dissertations
- Oxford theses
- Getting started: Alumni
- Copying Oxford theses
- UK theses
- US theses
- Other international theses
- Getting started guides
- How to guides
- Exam Paper Archive
- Reading lists
- SensusAccess
- Bodleian Data Service
- Finding data and statistics
- Data providers
- Data types
- Accessing and using data
- Accessing data
- Restricted data
- Data brokering service
- Data obligations
- Data analysis
- Statistical analysis
- Textual and audio-visual analysis
- Geospatial tools
- Online data services
- Data analysis and visualisation tools
- Open source data tools
- Text and data mining software
- Data training and support
- Where to find help with data
- Data workshops and guides
- Data archiving and sharing
- Cairns Library at John Radcliffe Hospital
- Service updates
- About the Bodleian Data Service
- Finishing your degree
- KeepCups
- Special collections at the English Faculty Library
- Special collections at the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library
- Digital collections
- Sherardian Library of Plant Taxonomy
- Using the Sherardian Library
- Sherardian Library for disabled readers
- Services and facilities at the Sherardian Library
- Collections and resources at the Sherardian Library
- Contact and support at the Sherardian Library
- Imaging Services
- About the libraries
- Rules of Conduct for Readers
- Using the Cairns Library
- Cairns Library for disabled readers
- Our policies
- Meet Bodley's Librarian
- Borrowing at the Bodleian Health Care Libraries
- Collections and resources at the Health Care Libraries
- Services and facilities at the Cairns Library
- Contact and support at the Cairns Library
- Governance and management
- Recommend a purchase
- Girdlestone Memorial Library at Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre
- Using the Girdlestone Memorial Library
- Bodleian Libraries announces major new benefaction to secure future of Hebrew and Jewish curatorship
- Press and media enquiries
- Services and facilities at the Girdlestone Memorial Library
- Collections and resources at the Girdlestone Memorial Library
- Contact and support at the Girdlestone Memorial Library
- Subject and outreach librarians at the Health Care Libraries
- Knowledge Centre at Old Road Campus
- Using the Knowledge Centre
- Services and facilities at the Knowledge Centre
- Knowledge Centre for disabled readers
- Collections and resources at the Knowledge Centre
- Horton Hospital Library
- Using the Horton Hospital Library
- Services and facilities at the Horton Hospital Library
- Collections and resources at the Horton Hospital Library
- Contact and support at the Horton Hospital Library
- Contact and support at the Knowledge Centre
- Books, journals and databases
- Business services
- Bodleian Library Record Journal
- One of the world's most celebrated authors, John le Carré, passes
- In Memory of Colin Franklin 1923–2020
- Rare collection of photobooks featuring best of 20th-century photography donated to Bodleian Libraries
- Remainers left underwater in 'Brexitland' map of divided nation
- The passing of a truly great scholar – Christopher Tolkien
- Careers
- Bodleian Libraries Graduate Training Scheme
- Digital Archivist graduate training scheme
- Performance and feedback
- Exhibition loans
- Bodleian Library Publishing
- Packaging and Design Service
- Quick guide to copyright for making digital copies
- Copyright licences
- Quick guide to copyright and licensing for e-journals
- Reading lists at the EFL
- Conservation and Heritage Science
- Collections management
- Centre for Digital Scholarship
- Spaces at the Bodleian Old Library
- Philosophy resources at PTFL
- US Elections Campaigns Archive
- Exhibitions and publications at the Taylor Institution Library
- Engagement and impact at the Taylor Institution Library
- Courses and training at the Taylor Institution Library
- Services for academics at the Taylor Institution Library
- Theology resources at PTFL
- Terms of use
- Legal deposit
- Historical background
- Electronic legal deposit
- UK Web Archive
- Print legal deposit
- Information for publishers
- Notice and takedown
- Data services at the Social Science Library
- Book the Social Science Library discussion rooms
- Special collections at the Law Library
- Non-destructive analysis of early Mesoamerican manuscripts conservation project
- Training and courses at the Law Library
- About the Centre for Digital Scholarship
- The Sheldon Tapestry Maps conservation project
- Our work
- Digital library
- Public engagement with research
- Bodleian Libraries on social media
- Contact us
- Library committee at the SSL
- Get resources at the Social Science Library
- Library staff at the Social Science Library
- Library staff at the Law Library
- Service levels at the Law Library
- Gale and Bodleian Libraries announce the Gale Scholar Asia Pacific, Digital Humanities Oxford Fellowship
- Subject and research guides
- Taiwan Resource Centre for Chinese Studies
- Catríona Cannon appointed Librarian at the University of London's Senate House Library
- Equipment and stationery from the SSL
- Training and workshops at the Social Science Library
- History Faculty Library services
- History collections at the Radcliffe Camera
- English and Film Studies collections at the Radcliffe Camera
- Research data management
- Undergraduate and postgraduate students
- Short course students
- Summer school students
- Academic staff
- Other libraries at Oxford
- Website feedback
- Training and courses at the Sainsbury Library
- Charity or company-affiliated researchers applying for a Bodleian Reader card
- Understanding reading lists
- ORLO reaches 2,000 reading lists
- Retail and brand licensing
- Roots to Seeds: new exhibition celebrates four centuries of Oxford botany work
- Bodleian Map Room
- Ordering maps
- Making maps
- Copying, scanning and photographing maps
- Map collections
- The Oxford Seminars in Cartography (TOSCA)
- Unique collection of images from the dawn of photography returns to the UK
- John Johnson Collection of Printed Ephemera
- Additions to the John Johnson Collection
- Finding aids for the John Johnson Collection
- Using the John Johnson Collection
- About the John Johnson Collection
- Major new named ephemera collections
- Bodleian Libraries joins consortium to save literary treasure trove for the nation
- Centre for the Study of the Book
- Visiting Fellowships at the Bodleian Libraries
- Printing and book arts at the Bodleian Libraries
- Prizes
- Awarded Visiting Fellowships
- Teaching with collections
- Indexes A-Z
- Indexes by theme
- Finding maps
- Japanese picture books conservation project
- Conservation of Chinese Books
- The Medieval Manuscript rebinding conservation project
- The Gough Map conservation project
- Anoxia trial conservation project
- The Selden Map of China conservation project
- Conserving an eleventh-century Greek illuminated manuscript
- Eagle and Spider: the conservation treatment of Nazi propaganda posters
- Finding scholarly materials workshop handouts and videos
- Oxford University to collect the artefacts from its COVID research
- Reference management workshop handouts and videos
- Medical Sciences and OUH Trust workshop handouts and videos
- Open scholarship workshop handouts and videos
- Programme
- 2020–21 Awarded Visiting Fellowships
- 2019–20 Awarded Visiting Fellowships
- 2018–19 Awarded Visiting Fellowships
- 2017–18 Awarded Visiting Fellowships
- 2016–17 Awarded Visiting Fellowships
- 2015–16 Awarded Visiting Fellowships
- 2014–15 Awarded Visiting Fellowships
- Bodleian Libraries reach the milestone of 1 millionth image online for public access
- Catalogued and digitised sections of the John Johnson Collection
- Exhibitions and publications
- Other projects from the John Johnson Collection
- Images from the John Johnson Collection
- Data reference management
- Bodleian Visiting Fellowships in Special Collections
- Learned Societies Fellowships
- Melancholy: A New Anatomy - multidisciplinary exhibition reflects on 400 years of mental health therapies
- Open Scholarship Support
- John Johnson online catalogue
- ProQuest project
- Funding secured to explore misinformation around the pandemic
- John Johnson and the history of the collection
- Digitisation service
- Bodleian Libraries to appoint Curator of Photography for first time in its history, and to welcome archive of American portrait photographer Bern Schwartz
- Persian recipes: from dyeing paper to black inks
- Persian recipes: dyeing paper
- Persian recipes: coating paper
- Persian recipes: black inks
- Official Papers
- North Sea Crossings – New exhibition explores the long history of Anglo-Dutch relations from 1066 to 1688
- FAMOUS: Finding Archives and Manuscripts Across Oxford’s Unique Special Collections
- Conserving the documents in the Lower Archive Room, Oxford University Archives
- Bodleian Libraries and Jane Austen’s House acquire prized Jane Austen letters as part of unique UK-wide collaboration
- Antony Brewerton announced as new Associate Director for Academic Library Services, and Keeper of Collections at the Bodleian Libraries
- Reader surveys
- LibQUAL+
- Exploring ultramarine
- Fine Art Photographer Garry Fabian Miller Awarded Honorary Fellowship with the Bodleian Libraries
- Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall visits the Bodleian Libraries
- Gale Digital Humanities Fellowships
- Richard Ovenden appointed Oxford University’s Head of Gardens, Libraries & Museums
- Special collections: Modern political papers
- Tutankhamun: Excavating the Archive - A Bodleian Libraries Exhibition, April 2022–February 2023
- Phillip Roberts announced as new Curator of Photography at the Bodleian Libraries
- Bodley Medal
- The ARCHiOx Project: Seeing the Unseen in Bodleian Collections
- Oxford University’s Stephen A. Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities gets green light from City Council
- Touch, taste, see, smell and hear books in new exhibition Sensational Books, 27 May 2022 – 4 December 2022
- Storymaps
- Bodleian Archives & Manuscripts Requests
- Oxford profiles: Richard Ovenden - Throwing open Oxford's digital doors
- 2022–23 Awarded Visiting Fellowships
- Reader Survey results 2022
- You said, we did: 2022
- The Designer Bookbinders International Competition Exhibition returns with an all-new Bookbinding Festival
- Catalogues and holdings of Oxford University Archives
- Early records of Oxford University Archives
- Using Oxford University Archives
- Oxford University Archives
- Guide to past members of the University
- The Bodleian Libraries open their doors to families with all-new Summer 2022 programme
- Guide to women students at the University of Oxford
- Guide to honorary degrees at the University of Oxford
- Guide to University arms
- Guides to Oxford University Archives
- Contact Oxford University Archives
- Results of school examinations
- Guide to incorporation
- Information for University staff
- History of Oxford University Archives
- Related records
- Guide to first woman graduates
- Bodleian Libraries announces major new benefaction to secure the future of conservation at Oxford University
- Remembering Dame Hilary Mantel, recipient of the Bodley Medal (2013)
- Bodleian Libraries award Bodley Medal to Robert Caro
- Introducing 'These Things Matter': A groundbreaking new exhibition exploring the destructive legacy of the British Empire
- Oxford Reads for Rushdie
- Taylor Institution Library receives transformative donation of Scandinavian literature
- Celebrated Irish novelist Colm Tóibín to be awarded the Bodley Medal in 2023
- A season of photography now open at the Bodleian Libraries
- Study abroad, summer school and conference members
- 'Democracy and Rights in a Digital Age' by Richard Ovenden
- Wellbeing in the libraries
- Our work in Imaging Services
- We Are Our History
- Order images from Imaging Services
- Preparing JRR Tolkien’s drawings for display
- Everything Forever: Legal deposit libraries of UK and Ireland celebrate 10th anniversary of digital collecting
- Everything Forever: 10 years of non-print legal deposit (NPLD)
- Sustainability at the SSL
- Richard Ovenden, Bodley’s Librarian, elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Bodleian Libraries welcomes students from Target Oxbridge programme
- New exhibition explores the meaning of gifts and the stories we tell about them
- Research projects and partnerships
- Reproducing images from Imaging Services
- The University of Oxford's relationship with the Sackler family – statement
- Opportunities for collaborative research
- New exhibition celebrating the artistic and social significance of alphabets
- Remembering Adobe co-founder and Bodley Medal honorand Dr John Warnock
- Group study rooms across the Bodleian Libraries
- 2023–24 Awarded Visiting Fellowships
- Copyright: what you need to know
- Copyright for students
- Copyright for lecturers
- Copyright for researchers
- Copyright infringement
- Copyright guide for finding and sharing content online
- Sir Philip Pullman to be awarded the prestigious Bodley Medal
- New exhibition tracks the influence of Geoffrey Chaucer across the centuries
- Using the Radcliffe Science Library
- Radcliffe Science Library for disabled readers
- Services and facilities at the Radcliffe Science Library
- Contact and support at the Radcliffe Science Library
- Spaces at the Radcliffe Science Library
- Collections and resources at the Radcliffe Science Library
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- z39.50 configuration
- MS. Douce Or. a. 1
- New exhibition sheds light on the cutting room floor of modern literature
- 'Kafka: Making of an Icon' opening in May 2024
- Spaces at the K B Chen China Centre Library
- Experience ‘Mischief in the Archives’ at the Bodleian Libraries this February
- Ali Smith to be awarded the prestigious Bodley Medal as part of the Oxford Literary Festival
- Bodleian Libraries: Use of cookies on this website
- The Bodleian Libraries to acquire rare manuscript treasure in the hand of Johann Sebastian Bach
- The Wilson Centre for Photography deposits magnificent collection at the Bodleian Libraries
- Exploring Family History: Join Peter Brathwaite for special event at the Weston Library
- The Bodleian Libraries to show highlights of Sir Roger Bannister’s never-before-displayed archive to mark 70th anniversary of his four-minute mile
- 2024–25 Awarded Visiting Fellowships
- Support for Palestinian scholars and students
- Support for scholars in Gaza (Arabic)
- Lewis Carroll photography acquired by the Bodleian Libraries
- Liverpool University Press to publish ‘The Bodleian Library Record’ from 2024
- Humanities Library
- Text and data mining
- Borrow equipment from the RSL
- The Bodleian Libraries make online services and resources available to students and academics from Gaza and the West Bank
- New exhibition dedicated to divination explores our universal need to find answers
- Remembering Dame Maggie Smith, recipient of the Bodley Medal (2016)
- Engravings discovered on reverse of copper plates thought to be the earliest produced by William Blake
- The RADON Project
- New exhibition explores the ‘Radio Craze’ and how it affected family life
- Remembering David Vaisey: Bodley’s Librarian (1986–1996)
- Inside of Herculaneum scroll seen for the first time in almost 2,000 years
- Oxford Forum of Open Scholarship 2025
- Isabel Allende and Sir Don McCullin CBE to be awarded the prestigious Bodley Medal
- Oxford and OpenAI launch collaboration to advance research and education
- Helen Hamlyn Trust to permanently endow the most senior position at the Bodleian Libraries
- The Bodleian Libraries celebrate 10 years of the Weston Library with unveiling of newly discovered royal manuscript
- Reader Survey 2025