Centre for Digital Scholarship

Based in the Weston Library, the Centre for Digital Scholarship (CDS) is a hub for translating innovative digital technologies into multidisciplinary academic practice and public engagement. The centre engages academics, students, staff and the public with digital methods.

More about the Centre for Digital Scholarship

Opening hours

Monday – Friday: 10am – 5pm
Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Check the Weston Library opening hours for temporary closures

Access is by appointment only

A view of a slatted wooden screen with a table and two sofas behind it; to the right is a large green pod booth for a private workspace

A view of the Centre for Digital Scholarship, including the pod, breakout area, and booths. Photograph by Jack Orchard.


We work with our academic colleagues to facilitate research seminars and workshops, often building on current projects or looking to write grant applications. These are usually invitation-only events and often include visitors, from other universities and from related fields of work.

Find out more about our partners Digital Scholarship @Oxford.

Events and training

We run a range of talks, workshops, training events, symposiums, and conferences. Many are open to the public: please come along!


Collaborating with institutions like The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH) and Digital Scholarship at Oxford (DiSc), the Centre for Digital Scholarship offers a wide range of events and workshops giving scholars working in the field opportunities to showcase new research and providing those with less experience in Digital Scholarship with a greater sense of the opportunities this space has to offer. The idea is to inspire and engage new audiences with new technologies, seeding ideas and approaches across and between disciplines.

Find other digital humanities and digital scholarship events at the University

Workshops and summer school

The Centre for Digital Scholarship co-directs the Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School (DHOxSS) and convenes its popular week-long workshop strand, An Introduction to Digital Humanities.

Working in association with our colleagues at IT Services and Digital Scholarship @ Oxford we run occasional workshops, many of which emerge from DHOxSS. If you have an unmet training need, please get in touch.

A black and white photograph of an older man with a beard and glasses standing in front of a projection of a slide

Professor Dave De Roure, Director of Digital Scholarship @ Oxford, speaking at the TORCH and DiSc Video Games and Academia panel series event on Music and Sound in Games on 30/10/2023. Photograph by Andrew Cusworth.

Visiting Fellowships

Gale Digital Humanities Fellowships

These fellowships will support a short period of research into any topic and in any field of study, using the Centre for Digital Scholarship of the Bodleian Libraries. Fellowships will be awarded for a period of 3 months.

Find out more about the fellowships and how to apply

Contact us

For more information about the Centre for Digital Scholarship, please email: cds@bodleian.ox.ac.uk

Centre for Digital Scholarship
Weston Library
Broad Street
Oxford OX1 3BG

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