The formal mechanism for gathering feedback is the CLiPS. These subject- or library-focussed committees meet every term, and comprise representatives from academic staff, students and librarians. All members of the collegiate University are welcome to raise any issues relating to the provision by, and strategy of, the Bodleian Libraries with the relevant CLiPS by contacting the Chair.
Each of the 6 site libraries has its own CLiPS. These meet termly and report to the Social Sciences Divisional CLiPS, which reports to Curators.
- Social Sciences Divisional CLiPS – Chair: Dr Nick Owen
- Social Science Library – Chair: Dr. Ariell Ahearn
- Law Library – Chair: Prof. Edwin Peel
- Tylor Library – Chair: Prof. Amy Bogaard
- Sainsbury Library (+ Egrove Park) – Chair: To be appointed
- Education Library - Chair: Dr Liam Gearon
- Latin American Centre Library - Professor Eduardo Posada-Carbo
The Head of the Social Sciences Libraries attends Divisional Board with a standing item on the agenda.
The Keeper of Oriental Collections attends a meeting of the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies Committee each term.
The Medical Sciences Division CLiPS meets termly, chaired by Professor Rebeccah Slater, and reports to Curators. There are no departmental CLiPSs within Medical Sciences Division.
In addition, the relevant librarian attends the following departmental committees:
- Biochemistry Undergraduate JCC (Hilary Term)
- Clinical Student JCC (termly)
- Experimental Psychology Undergraduate JCC (termly)
- Experimental Psychology Graduate JCC (termly)
- OUH FT Education and Training Committee (quarterly)
There are 9 Faculty CLiPSs and 1 sub-Faculty CLiPS, all of which report to the Humanities Divisional CLiPS. There is strong engagement with the Faculty Board as all the Faculty CLiPSs have at least one member of the Board sitting on the CLiPS or the Chair of the CLiPS having ex officio membership of the Board.
- Humanities Divisional CLiPS – Chair: TBC
- Art History – Chair: Dr Helen Gittos
- Classics – Chair: Professor Jane Lightfoot
- English – Chair: Dr Jane Griffiths
- History – Chair: Dr Helen Gittos
- Linguistics – Chair: Dr Kerstin Hoge
- Modern Languages – Chair: Dr Jonathan Thacker
- Music – Chair: Professor Elizabeth Eva Leach
- Philosophy – Chair: Professor William Mander
- Theology & Religion – Chair: Professor David Downs
- Asian and Middle Eastern Studies – Chair: TBC
The relevant Subject Librarian normally attends Faculty or sub-Faculty meetings to ensure that key points of library business can be presented and that queries can be answered directly.
The Keeper of Oriental Collections attends a meeting of the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies Committee each term.
Archaeology CLiPS is in Social Sciences (Humanities-only aspects are covered by the Classics CLiPS).
US Studies (excluding literature) and African Studies are covered by the History CLiPS.
Film Studies is covered by the Modern Languages and English CLiPSs (as appropriate).
Latin American Studies and Slavonic Studies are covered by the Modern Language, History and Area Studies CLiPSs (as appropriate).
The Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Divisional CLiPS meets termly, chaired by Professor Stephen Faulkner, and reports to Curators. There are no departmental CLiPS within Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences.
The Continuing Education CLiPS meets termly, chaired by Dr Mark Smith, and reports to Curators.