The SSL welcomes feedback from all its users. Academics, researchers and students are represented through the SSL Committee on Library Provision and Strategy (CLiPS). The committee meets once a term, every Friday of Week 5.
Its remit is to provide guidance and advice to the Social Science Librarian on all aspects of library service provision in the SSL (such as opening hours, book selection and IT), and to consider all matters affecting the administration of the SSL (including the budget and staff).
Each relevant department has an academic and student representative on the Committee to raise issues of concern, give feedback and pass on information from the Library. The Secretary is Jo Gardner.
The SSL endeavours to be very responsive to the concerns of our readers. Current departmental representatives are listed below. Please only contact your library rep with feedback about the SSL or issues you would like discussed by the committee. For questions about the SSL, or for help with using the library service, please contact the library directly.