Services and support
To discuss any assistance this library is able offer you, please contact the Librarian, Dr. Hilla Wait.
If you are a student who has disclosed a disability to the Disability Advisory Service that affects your reading ability, you can apply for additional loan allowances by registering as a privileged reader, including loan periods of a term rather than one week. Contact the library's disability liaison for details.
The Philosophy and Theology Faculties Library offers readers a variety of accessibility equipment, including reading aids and furniture, to support effective study:
- height-adjustable desks on the ground floor and two on the first floor
- a standing-height table
- a foot rest
- ergonomic chairs
- daylight lamps on the first floor and in the computer room
- book rests
- laptop stands
- reading rulers
- ear plugs
- magnifying glasses
- coloured acetate overlays and coloured printing paper
Some of this equipment is readily available in the reading rooms, other items are available via library Reception. Ask staff for details.
Find out more about the services and support for disabled readers offered by the Bodleian Libraries.