The Bodleian Education Library develops its collection primarily in the areas of research and teaching within the Department of Education. These include:
- educational research methodology
- international and comparative education
- higher education
- e-learning
- applied linguistics and second language acquisition
- teacher education and continuing professional development
- mathematics education
- science education and environmental education
- English education
- history education
- geography education
- religious education
- modern languages education
- literacy and early years.
A nearly comprehensive collection of UK education material is available from the Bodleian Libraries and can be ordered online to be read in the Education Library.
On the open shelves in the Education Library you will find some older printed copies of MSc Education, ALSLA and ALLT dissertations. Older DPhil theses are stored offsite in the Bodleian Closed Stack. They can be requested to the Weston Library and consulted there (not borrowed).
For search tips and how to find dissertations online or for other courses, please see our guide.
All theses are catalogued and on SOLO. See our guide on how to search for them by keyword, subject, author etc.