Which records are catalogued?
Most of the records in Oxford University Archives are catalogued. This page provides an overview of the catalogues which currently exist. We are in the process of making these catalogues available online as PDF documents, and these PDFs are highlighted below. Contact us for more information about those catalogues not yet online.
Early records (up to c. 1850)
The earlier records of the University – those contained in the Lower Archive Room – have been catalogued separately from the departmental and central administrative records listed below, although they may also contain material relating to those departments and central services. See the information about early records, or contact us for more details.
The University's medieval records have all been published, chiefly by the Oxford Historical Society.
Records of University central administrative services
Catalogues exist for the following:
- Careers Service
- Counselling Service
- Development Office
- Divisions and related bodies
- Estates Services (including University Land Agent)
- Examination Schools
- Examiners' records
- Faculties and related bodies
- Halifax House (PDF, 10KB)
- Hebdomadal Council
- Proctors' Office
- Public Relations
- Research Services
- Sheldonian Theatre (PDF, 33 KB)
- Undergraduate Admissions Office
- University Chest
- University Registry
- University Solicitor
- Vice-Chancellor
- Various delegacies, committees and other bodies
Records of University departments
Catalogues exist for the following:
- Agrarian Affairs, Institute of (PDF, 13KB)
- Agricultural Economics, Institute of (PDF, 48KB)
- Agriculture, Department of (PDF, 16KB)
- Anthropology, School of
- Ashmolean Museum
- Astrophysics, Department of (PDF, 14KB)
- Biochemistry, Department of
- Botany, Department of
- Chinese Studies, Institute of
- Commonwealth Studies, Institute of (PDF, 20KB)
- Computing Laboratory
- Continuing Education, Department for
- Dyson Perrins Laboratory
- Earth Sciences (former Departments of Mineralogy and Geology) (PDF, 15KB)
- Educational Studies, Department of
- Engineering Science, Department of
- Experimental Psychology, Department of
- Forestry, Department of
- Geography, School of (PDF, 51KB)
- History of Art, Department of (PDF, 8KB)
- History of the University
- Human Anatomy, Department of
- Indian Institute (PDF, 10KB)
- Inorganic Chemistry, Department of
- International Gender Studies Centre
- Local Examinations, Delegacy of (PDF, 122KB)
- Lodging Houses, Delegacy of
- Materials, Department of
- Medical School
- Officers' Training Corps (PDF, 39KB)
- Ophthalmology, Nuffield Laboratory of
- Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board (PDF, 53KB)
- Pathology, Sir William Dunn School of
- Pharmacology, Department of
- Physiology, Department of
- Pitt Rivers Museum
- Politics and International Relations, Department of
- Queen Elizabeth House (PDF, 19KB)
- Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art (PDF, 95KB)
- Social Policy and Social Work, Department of
- Taylor Institution:
- University Archives
- University Museum of Natural History:
- Zoology, Department of
Related records
There are various types of records which are commonly thought to be held by us but which are, in fact, held elsewhere. See our guide to related records for information about these and where to find them.