The Bodleian Libraries run a wide range of activities to help support wellbeing for staff, students and readers.
Upcoming sessions
Check back to this page to find out about upcoming wellbeing sessions.
Worry Box in the Radcliffe Science Library
The Radcliffe Science Library has relaunched our worry box for Hilary Term. Pop into the Wellbeing Room anytime during opening hours and anonymously post your worry into the worry box.
In week 8, Tuesday 11 March from 11am–12pm, we'll shred the worries and send them to the University Gardens to become compost. Try releasing your worries and helping your wellbeing. Find out more on our blog.
Regular activities
Quiet activities in the libraries
Many of our libraries have set up a quiet corner with activities to help you take a break whenever you need it, including colouring, jigsaws and origami. Find them at the following library sites:
- Bodleian Old Library: in the Reader Common Room.
- Education Library: on the coffee table.
- Girdlestone Memorial Library at the NOC: on the wellbeing trolley.
- Japanese Library: on the entrance level.
- KB Chen China Centre Library.
- Law Library: coffee table by exit.
- Social Science Library
- Knowledge Centre at the Old Road Campus: in the library entrance.
- Cairns Library at the John Radcliffe Hospital: in the wellbeing area.
The Radcliffe Science Library has a dedicated Wellbeing Room with a range of jigsaws, colouring, crafting and more. Staff and students of the University are welcome to drop in whenever they wish to relax, centre themselves or rest. To check out the wide range of wellbeing events taking place in the Radcliffe Science Library, please view the RSL Wellbeing Calendar.
The ‘Space for Reading’ is also available for everyone in the public atrium of the Weston Library (Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm; Saturday: 10am – 5pm; Sunday: 11am – 4pm).
Book swap at the Bodleian Old Library
Craft and Chat at the RSL, first Tuesday of the month, 1-2pm
Looking to meet up with fellow crafters? Bring yourself and your craft along to the RSL monthly craft & chat meet up. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided to fuel the chat!
Book your place on our calendar
Complimentary tea and coffee in the RSL, every Wednesday in term, 10am–12pm
Every Wednesday in term the RSL will be offering free tea and coffee in the Vending Area, between 10am–12pm. No booking needed just pop into the library on a Wednesday morning and get yourself a cuppa. You deserve it!
Lego Lunch, every Wednesday, 1–2pm
You bring the lunch & we bring the Lego. Eat, chat, create! At the Radcliffe Science Library, in the Wellbeing Room.
Coffee Morning, every Friday at 10.30–11.30am
Join library staff, students and researchers at this lively and welcoming weekly event, held in the Centre for the Study of the Book inside the Weston Library. After time for chatting, there is a ‘show and tell’ of one or more of the fascinating items in the Library’s special collections. Tea and coffee provided.
Book Clubs at the Health Care Libraries
Join one of our friendly book clubs to take part in thought-provoking discussions of a diverse range of books. Find details of our book clubs and what we are reading next.
Take a GLAM break
If you need a longer break, why not use your University card to visit a museum or garden? Wander round the Botanic Garden, immerse yourself in art at the Ashmolean, hang out with the dinosaurs at the Museum of Natural History, hunt for tucked away items at the Pitt Rivers Museum or marvel at the astrolabes at the History of Science Museum.