Our Print & Deliver service allows you to order and receive printed copies of electronic legal deposit (eLD) content to your postal address.
Due to legal restrictions, we are unable to make any digital copies of electronic legal deposit (eLD) material.
Currently, our interim system for viewing eLD content only allows self-service printing from PDF formats. If the material you would like to print is in ePUB format, or if you do not have access to library computers or printers, you can order printed copies and receive them by post. For more information, visit our electronic legal deposit guide.
You can only pay for Print & Deliver through PCAS. You will need to provide your account details when placing your order. There is a flat rate charge of £2 for all requests – we are required under copyright legislation to make a charge for copies made from electronic legal deposit collections.
Using this service
To use the Print & Deliver service:
- Log in to SOLO and locate the item you wish to have copied.
- Select the item's record and under 'Additional services' click ‘Print & Deliver’.
- You will be directed to the Print & Deliver Request form.
- Fill out the form with your postal address for delivery. Your name and Bodleian card number will be included automatically.
- In the 'Request Details' section, the form will automatically populate the title and author details from the SOLO record.
- Copyright law restricts printing to 5% or one whole chapter/article, whichever is greater. Please add chapter or page range details of the section you would like printed, within the amounts permitted.
- Accept the Copyright Agreement and submit the form.
Your copies will be posted to you in 7 working days.
If you have any queries about this service, please email reader.services@bodleian.ox.ac.uk