Library Wi-Fi and computers

Wi-Fi and computers

You are welcome to use your own laptop or mobile device in the libraries, except in areas designated as laptop-free.

Free Wi-Fi

You can access the internet for free by using one of the three Wi-Fi networks available in the Bodleian Libraries. All Wi-Fi-enabled devices can use our Wi-Fi networks.

Bodleian Libraries Wi-Fi

University of Oxford students and staff and Bodleian Reader card holders can use this network. You will need to log in each time you use it or after 30 minutes of inactivity.

  1. Connect your laptop or mobile device to the Bodleian-Libraries Wi-Fi network.
  2. Open a web browser (e.g. Google Chrome, Firefox)
  3. Enter your Bodleian Libraries username (your Library or University card barcode number) and your password.

Eduroam network

The eduroam network can be used by all Oxford University students and staff, as well as members of other academic institutions who already have an eduroam account. You do not need to log in each time you use the network.

How to access Oxford University's eduroam network

If you are a member of another institution, you will need to use your home eduroam account to access the network. If you have problems using your account, please contact IT support at your home institution.

OWL network

The OWL network is a central Wi-Fi service for both University members and visitors.

How to access the OWL network

Using library computers

Most Bodleian Libraries also have PCs available for use by readers.

You can use these PCs to access our e-resources, including our electronic legal deposit material via SOLO.

Library PCs are equipped with a range of software including:

  • Microsoft Office 2019 (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint)
  • browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge)
  • Endnote
  • GIMP
  • iTunes.

Some libraries' PCs have specialist software. Find a library.

Logging in to a library computer

To log into a Bodleian Libraries PC, use your Bodleian Libraries account details.

Library PCs are not secure places to save documents. The PCs do not save any user settings. This means that all documents saved to the desktop and 'My Documents' area are permanently deleted when you log off.

Sessions will time out after 20 minutes of inactivity.

Printing from a library computer

Quick Search PCs

Many libraries have ‘Quick Search’ PCs, which give access to key online resources and information without requiring readers to log on. They can be used for restricted internet searches and browsing, such as using the SOLO library catalogue.

How to print from a Quick Search PC

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