In addition to the general introductory and information skills training sessions offered by the Bodleian Libraries, the Sainsbury Library supports the development of transferable research and business information literacy skills by providing a variety of instructional inductions, programmes, and workshops.
Get started at the Bodleian Libraries
The Bodleian Libraries have produced comprehensive guides to get you started using the libraries at Oxford, including the Sainsbury Library.
Bodleian iSkills is a more general programme of workshops open to all University members and Bodleian Reader cardholders. Topics include searching for a wide range of scholarly materials, keeping up to date with new research, reference management, and bibliometrics.
Courses at the Sainsbury Library
The Sainsbury Library provides inductions and course-specific instruction in face-to-face and online options. Topics include company financial research, market research, country economic analysis, literature reviews, and other facets of business information research.
Librarians can assist and collaborate with faculty on assignment design, reading list development, and create course-specific research guides.
We also offer bespoke 1:1 or small group sessions to support your specific study and research needs. Information on regular and sessional workshops, and inductions at the Sainsbury Library is announced on the Business & Management: Training and Workshops subject guide. Current training materials and presentations are also available for download.
A selection of videos introducing our services and key resources is available on the Sainsbury Library YouTube channel.